Play Therapy
Children express themselves and their inner world through play. The aim of play therapy is to give the child the space to engage with their emotions, thoughts and unconscious experiences in a warm,containing and nurturing space. Play therapy allows the child to process difficult emotion in a non-threatening space and can assist children with emotional, behavioural, developmental and social challenges. Reflection of play is also useful within the therapy space to assist the child with self-awareness and give the child insight into his/her behaviour. Play therapy is a process and not a quick fix for a child working through stress, difficult emotions and/or challenging behaviours.
Feedback with parents is integral in the play therapy process and occur periodically. The feedback sessions have the best interest of the child in mind and analyse where the child is currently. Feedback sessions also provide parental guidance where challenges within the parent-child relationship occur.
Adolescent and Individual Therapy
As one goes through life, we embark on a journey that is bound to have change, demand adjustment and experience the disappointment and loss that life may provide. It is about learning how to accept, embrace or adapt and adjust to the change depending on the situation. Many teenagers endure difficult experiences that are not in their power to control such as family issues, abuse and social challenges and as a result may seek comfort in self harming behaviours. Some teenagers often lack the support structures to be listened to and acknowledged without judgement or criticism. Teenage therapy provides weekly sessions for teenagers to understand their world, develop their self-esteem and be supported through the transitions that occur in their lives.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is for adults wanting to seek resolution or acceptance about themselves, a challenge that they are experiencing or a trauma that occurred to them. Individual therapy provides support and containment for various challenges such as: interpersonal conflict, communication issues, relationship difficulties, anger management and stress. Weekly sessions are provided to work with the individual at his/her pace in order to assist with feelings of stuckness or life changes that require adjustment at the different developmental stages that occur across the lifespan.
Family Therapy
Family therapy is designed to address issues relating to the health and functioning of the family. The family is seen as a unit where the therapist works systemically with the family to assist with communication challenges and changes that have occurred to the family that affect their functioning.

Emotional assessments provide insight into a child’s self-identity, self-esteem, functioning in the family, school and social context, as well as any other concerns. Emotional assessments for adults focus on several areas, including EQ (emotional intelligence), hope, optimism and creativity.
Psychoeducational assessments provide insight into the child’s cognitive, scholastic and emotional functioning. The findings of a psychoeducational assessment offer information on the child’s strengths and growth areas and what recommendations are needed to support the child further in their development. Implementing the recommendations from the assessment report are vital in creating positive change and intervention for growth within the child. These assessments also assist with school placement too.
Concessions for GDE and IEB levels as well as university level
Concession assessments are administered to high school and university learners who may possess neurodevelopmental issues, attention and concentration problems and/or emotional challenges that cause them not to complete their tests and examinations to their true academic potential. The assessment covers cognitive, scholastic and often emotional functioning of the learner in order to identify which accommodations may be required for them. Accommodations may include receiving additional time, provision for a reader, provision for a scribe, having a prompter present, use of a computer as well as spelling and handwriting accommodations
Career and subject choice assessments
These assessments consider the individual’s aptitudes, interests and personality functioning in assisting the individual to make an informed decision on which subjects to select at school or which study path to pursue or to make an informed decision on changing one’s career path.